Christmas Nail Art Guide

Happy Christmas!!!

Here are five different nail art ideas to choose from.Before you start, use a base coat on all your nails!!!

Santa's belt

Paint your little finger two coats of red. Leave to dry and use a black striper to create a thick black line across your nail. Then, use a gold striper to create a square for the buckle.

Santa Claus

Paint one-third of your ring finger nail red. Use a white striper to create the beard. To do this, just paint the tip of your nail white as if you were doing French tips. Using a dotting tool dipped into white, create dots across the end of the red for the fur on his hat. Use a smaller dotting tool dipped into black to create the eyes, and then a dotting tool dipped into pink for the nose.


Paint two coats of dark brown. Once dry, use a dotting tool dipped into light brown to create antlers. Use a white dotter to create the eyes and then a smaller dotter dipper in black for the pupils. Paint a half red circle at the end of your nail for his nose.


Paint your nail black. Once dry, leave a tiny bit off the black and paint the rest of your nail white. Use a black dotting tool for the eyes and an orange dotting tool for the nose and feet.

Frosty the Snowman

Paint your thumb nail two coats of white. Leave to dry and use a black striper to paint a straight line across your nail about one-third of the way down and fill it in. Use a dotting tool dipped into black to create the two eyes and the mouth made of coal. Then, use a dotting tool dipped into orange to create the carrot for the nose. 

Finish off by sealing in all of your designs with a top coat.

Products used:
Essie grow stronger base coat
Sally Hansen All Fired Up
Lola 'Alto Brillo'
Kiss black striper
Sally Hansen White Tip
Sally Hansen Midnight In NY
Bourjois 1seconde no.23
Rimmel Posh Trash
Revlon Mad about Mango
Esssie Good To Go top coat

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