1D Nails

This design is perfect for anyone going to a 1D concert or just anyone who is as mad about 1D as I am! I'm going to see them tomorrow night in Croke Park!!

Step 1
Use a base coat on all of your nails

Thumb Nail:
Paint your nail two coats of red. Fold some Scotch tape in half and draw the shape of half a heart on the folded side. Cut this shape out and unfold the tape. You will now have the shape of a cut out heart. Place this on your nail (make sure the polish is dry) and paint it white. Peel off the tape and you will have the shape of a heart on your nail. Using a dotter dipped into black, create dots all around the heart.

Baby Finger:
Do the exact same as the thumb nails but use white as your base and create a red heart.

Index Finger:
I made an Irish flag but you can change this depending on which country you are from. I painted my nail white and then used a green striper to create one side of the flag. I then used an orange striper to create to other side of the flag.

Middle Finger:
Paint your nail two coats of red. Use a white striper to create the number 1. Then use the striper again and create another straight line next to the 1. Create two horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the line you just created. Create a sidewards V next to the horizontal lines. Finish the logo by adding two lines above and below the 1D.

Ring Finger:
Paint your nail white and use a black striper to create three diagonal lines. Use a black dotter to create three dots for the music notes. Use the striper to create vertical lines coming out of the dots. Use a white dotter and create dots inside the black ones. I then used a dotter dipped into orange and created a dot on the white. (the white makes the colours 'pop' over the black) I then did the same with a green dot and left the other white. I used these colours to match the Irish flag.

Finish off with a clear fast drying top coat.

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