Minion Nails

With the new Minions movie being released, I decided to take the opportunity to create some cute minion nails. So let's get started!

Step 1
Start off with a base coat

Step 2
Paint your ring finger two thin coats of yellow

Step 3
Use a black striper to create a thick black line about one-third down your nail

Step 4
Dip a large dotter into grey and create a large dot in the middle of the black line

Step 5
Using a slightly smaller white dotter, create his eye by adding a white dot inside the grey one

Step 6
Using a toothpick dipped into black polish, add a dot inside the white dot for his pupil

Step 7
Create a blue or teal stripe along the tip of your nail for his overalls

Step 8
Create a small smile by either using a black striper or a toothpick dipped into black polish. I used a toothpick as I found I had more control than if I was to use a striper

Step 9
Paint the rest of your nails white

Step 10
Using various sizes of dotters, create a few dots on each nail using the colours that you used to create the minion (yellow, teal, grey)

Step 11
Seal in with a top coat

I hope you guys like this design and enjoy the new movie!!
Ciara x

Products Used:
Essie 'millionails' base coat
Max Factor 'mellow yellow'
Inglot no.644
Essie 'parka perfect'
Sally Hansen 'midnight in NY'
Sally Hansen 'white tip'
Essie 'good to go'top coat

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