Back to School Nails

As I am going back to school tomorrow, I wanted to do 'Back to School' themed nails. I found this design on YouTube and wanted to try recreate it, but I'm not going to lie, it is very difficult. It's not perfect but I tried my best, which is all you can do! 

Step 1
I started off with a base coat to protect my natural nails

Step 2
I painted my ring finger 2 thin coats of white

Step 3
To create the scissors, I used a black striper and made a small 'x' shape. I then used the same striper and made 2 semi circles for the handle of the scissors. Once that was dry, I went over the scissors with grey and I went over the handle in pink.

Step 4
For the paper clip, I used a black striper and created a kind of 'swirl' shape. I then went over this with a grey nail varnish

Step 5
For the ruler, I used a black striper and drew half a rectangle coming from my cuticle. I then filled this in with a toothpick dipped into pink. Using the black striper again, I drew small lines at the side of the ruler for where the measurements would be

Step 6
For the pencil, I used a black striper and drew half a rectangle. I then drew a small triangle at the top of the rectangle. Using a toothpick dipped into pink, I filled in the rectangle. I then dipped a toothpick into grey and filled in the triangle. I then added a tiny dot of black at the top for the lead.

Step 7
I used a small black striper to create tiny dashes in the blank spaces.

Step 8
I painted the rest of my nails pink

Step 9
When the design was dry, I sealed it in with a top coat

Thanks for reading! Sorry if this was kind of confusing to follow but it was quite a difficult design, but I hope you still enjoyed this tutorial.
Ciara x

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