My Nail Art Essentials

I have a good few essentials when it comes to nail art, from dotting tools to sponges. Although there may seem like a lot, most of these tools are actually quite cheap and very versatile when it comes to creating different designs. I am going to go through what my nail art essentials are and how I use each one. I hope you enjoy!

1. Four Sided Nail File

 I like these 4 sided nail files to shape, buff and shine my nails to create a smooth base before I apply my nail varnish. The first side is to file and shape the nail edge. The second side is to remove the ridges on your nail. The third side is to smoothen the surface of the nail and the fourth side is to add a shine. I find that after I use this nail file, my nail varnish goes on much smoother. I bought mine in Boots.

2. Base and Top Coat

As you might have noticed, Step 1 of all my nail art designs is 'start off with a base coat to protect your natural nails'. This step has just become a habit to me, because not only does it adhere your nail varnish to your nail and make it last longer, but it also protects your nails from staining, so this is a huge essential for me when it comes to my nails!
I also think a top coat is very important because it seals in your design to extend the longevity of your manicure. It also adds a lovely shine to your nails and makes them look more professional!

3. Dotting Tools

These tools are a must for anyone interested in nail art. I have a few of these in all different sizes to create different designs. I find dotting tools very versatile as they can be used to create anything from plain polka-dots to flowers to even eyes if you are painting the face of a cartoon! I bought a pack of these ages ago on eBay for a very cheap price.

4. Stripers 

I use stripers a lot when creating nail art designs. These can be used to create anything from simple stripes to intricate designs. I have 3 in different lengths, however, I prefer the shorter one because I feel I have more control with it. I bought this pack of 3 in Hairspray, an Irish shop that's better known for their hair products, but they also sell some nail products. 

5. Sponges

I often use these triangular makeup sponges to create an ombre/gradient on my nails. You simply paint a stripe of each colour you want, overlapping the colours slightly and dab the sponge on your nail. 

I also sometimes use one of the eyeshadow brushes that come with eyeshadow palettes to create a gradient effect. You just paint your nails with your base colour, leave them to dry, paint another colour onto the eyeshadow brush and dab it onto the tip of your nail. These brushes are also very handy if you are creating a glitter gradient.

6. Cotton buds

I nearly always use these to clean up around my nails when I finish a design. You simply dip the cotton bud into nail varnish remover and rub it around your nail to remove any nail varnish that might have gotten onto your skin.

 I sometimes use a flat brush dipped into nail varnish remover to clean up around my nails also. I got this one in an acrylic paint set.

7. Cuticle Oil

 When I finish my design and seal it in with a topcoat, I like to use cuticle oil to hydrate my cuticles. This one is Essies apricot cuticle oil.

So there you have it! These are my main essentials when it comes to my nails. I really hope you liked this post and maybe found it helpful. 
Thanks for reading!
Ciara x

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