Crime Scene Nails

Happy Halloween everyone! These blood-splatter crime scene nails are perfect to freak anyone out tomorrow night on Halloween. And the best part is, they are actually quite easy to do!! I hope you enjoy this design.

Step 1
Use a base coat to protect your natural nails

Step 2
Paint your nails two coats of white

Step 3
On your little and middle finger, paint the tip of a straw with red nail varnish and blow out through the straw to create blood splatters

Step 4
Paint one of your finger pads with red nail varnish. Dab your finger once on a sheet of paper to remove the excess. Then dab your finger onto your index finger nail to create a finger print

Step 5
For your thumb, Dip a dotting tool into red polish. Create a dot half way down your nail. Raise the dotter a small bit and drag it up your nail towards your cuticle. Do this another one or two times to create dripping blood. Join each drop by your cuticle with a striper.

Step 6
For your thumb, dip a dotter into red and create a 'c' shape for the palm of a hand. Dip a toothpick into red and create 2-3 dots for each finger

Step 7
Seal in your design with a topcoat

I hope you enjoyed this very bloody design. Have a great Halloween everyone!!

Ciara x

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